Ob vznožju južnega pobočja 362 m visoke Janine in na obrobju nekdanje vasi Tržišče so pred več stoletji začrtali meje srednje velike Juneževe domačije. Njena lega je izjemna, saj na izravnani polici sredi zaselka stojita stanovanjska hiša in gospodarsko poslopje, le dober lučaj pod bregom pa čebelnjak. Večina pripadajočih obdelovalnih površin in gozda je v neposredni okolici, kar prispeva k izjemno slikovitemu videzu in uravnoteženi skladnosti tega slatinskega dela krajine.
Območje je eno redkih, ki je ohranilo prvotno zemljiško razdelitev, zato je Juneževa domačija dragocena dopolnitev mladega zdraviliškega in turističnega mesta, ki se vse bolj odpira v okolico ter želi domačim in tujim gostom predstaviti tudi takšna neokrnjena prizorišča.
Po predhodni najavi si lahko domači in tuji gosti Juneževo domačijo ogledajo, podoživijo stare šege ter pokusijo domače dobrote iz krušne peči. V okviru društva se na domačiji vrstijo tudi razne delavnice, literarni in družabni večeri. Ob vsakem letnem času se predstavijo posamezna opravila, kot so domače koline (»furež«), cepljenje (»sekaje«) drv, ličkanje koruze (»kožuhaje«) idr.
Centuries ago, at the foot of the southern slope of Janina (362 m) and at the edges of the former village Tržišče were marked the borders of the medium sized Junež Homestead. Its position is exceptional. On a levelled shelf in the centre of the settlement stands the residential house with an economic building and only a short distance under the hill is a beehive. The majority of the associated arable land and forests is in the near surroundings, which contributes to an extremely scenic appearance and balanced compliance of this part of the landscape of Slatina.
This area is one of the few with preserved land division; therefore, the Junež Homestead is a valuable addition to the young Spa and tourist city, which is increasingly opening up to the surrounding area and wants to also present the natives and foreign guests with such unspoiled venues.
After prior announcement, domestic and foreign guests can visit it, experience old customs and try homemade delicacies from the baker's oven. Within the society, various workshops, literary and social evenings are also held at the homestead.