Tržaški dom

Tržaški dom

Zanimiva vogalna trietažna stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1834 in spada med najstarejše ohranjene stavbe v zdravilišču. Zanimivo je, da so se pred njim nekoč ustavljale poštne kočije, leta 1866 so v njem uredili poštni urad. Na dvorišču pod hribom so leta 1865 zgradili tudi leseno letno gledališče, prvo v Rogaški Slatini. Danes imata v stavbi svoje prostore Anina Galerija in TIC Rogaška Slatina.

Tržaški dom (Trieste house)

This interesting corner three-storey building was built in 1834 and is one of the oldest preserved buildings of the Spa. It is interesting that postal carriages were stopping in front of the building in the past, in 1866 a postal office was set up in it. In 1865, they also built a wooden summer theatre in the yard under the hill; the first one in Rogaška Slatina. Today, Anina Galerija and TIC Rogaška Slatina have their premises in the building.

Stolp Kristal